
My name is Fran Martinez. Nice to meet you! I am backend developer borned in Barcelona city, although since some years ago I live in an small village in the mountains of Almería, Spain. I started my career in 2005 but it was not until I discovered Ruby that I became a proud developer.

I like all about development culture, from the product definition to development, but I what I most like is to share knowledge and open my mind to other points of view. Every product is the result of a shared artistic process; it’s the result of collaborative work, and that’s why I like responsible and enthusiastic people, who shares knowledge and who spend their time helping others to improve. This is at least what I try to do.

I have been always looking to work remotely and it was on 2016 when I achieved this dream. Working remotely changed my life and now I am currently a proud evangelist of this working culture.

What can I do

> Ruby (and Rails)

11 years experience with Ruby. From the creation of a Rails app to a PORO ruby coder. The Ruby community made me be reborn as a developer in 2012. Since then, I have learn the SOLID principles, design patterns, metaprogramming, git, TDD and Agile.

About APIs, I have strong experience with GraphQL and JSONAPI. About databases, I can handle any SQL challenge and I have experience in NoSQL databases. Also, I briefly worked with Kafka some time ago for an event sourcing solution and I really loved it!

I am clearly a backend developer, but I like to understand how frontend works and I am not afraid of having frontend (Javascript, React, Vue) challenges.

> Design patterns, architecture

I like design patterns and architecture, take part on conversations about refactors, improvements and make scalable solutions. If a solution is not scalable and not easy to understand, then it is not a good solution.

> Javascript and frontend

During my whole professional career I have been trying to keep myself updated in the frontend side. I am not afraid of Javascript, CSS and HTML and I like to play with frameworks like React or Vue. In the frontend area I feel like a junior that can easily become a senior in a very short time.

> Docker and Kubernetes

I used Docker on my local setup for a long time, but it was not as fast as using native installations, so I decided to go back to native! However, I like the versatility of having services up and running without having to take care about installations. Is the best magic ever!

About production environments, I have experience working with Kubernetes, updating memory size, number of replicas, environment variables, etc.

> Srum/Agile and Kanban workflows

I have worked with Scrum and Kanban. I have been scrum master and team lead for a team of 7. On the discussion between Scrum and Kanban I reckon that I am in love with Kanban methodology when it has to be applied to asynchronous remote teams. However, I have years of experience working with Scrum and applying team workflows in companies.

More about me

I am a very friendly person who likes to learn every day as a way of life. I have many hoobies! That’s why I like remote jobs, in order to have this balance between professional and personal skills.

I am a peaceful guy who likes to meet friends, practice yoga, play the guitar, learn about renewable energies, and of course reading about programming, philosophy, science fiction and classical novels. I also take care of my organic vegetable garden.